Our purpose

We are passionate about creating positive social change. Whether it is reducing domestic abuse, addressing the stigma around mental health or increasing participation in education. Our purpose is to enable individuals and organisations who seek to make a change, make as big an impact as possible.

Our mission

Our Three Pillars Model for Social Change presents the foundation pillars that are required to create effective, sustainable change; people, systems and evidence. Our mission is to work with individuals and/or organisations to strengthen each pillar independently, or the way in which they interact to create behavioural, systematic and cultural change.  

our model

In a similar vein to “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, we know social change will not occur overnight. We developed the Three Pillar’s model to illustrate how we believe organisations can achieve social change. 

The three pillars; people, systems and evidence each need to be an effective cog, working in synergy with one another toward a shared purpose. At the intersection of the pillar’s we outline the step changes toward social change.  By creating a ripple effect of smaller behavioural, systemic and behavioural changes, huge social impact can be realised.

We focus our work within the pillars, at the intersections or indeed, focussing on the entire system toward social change.

Three Pillars Framework for Social Change diagram.png